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Emerging Technologies in Education

Recommended Technologies:

Art students could use iMovie (Mac) or MovieMaker (Window) to create stop motion videos and short movies. These programs can also be used in other content areas for video presentations. They allow students to manipulate both the visual and the audio.

Morning Walk - Nghiem Quach

Smartphones, tablets, and laptops are some examples of mobile technologies that are also emerging technologies.

Blended Learning

A TEDx Talk: Blended Technology and Classroom Learning by Jessie Woolley-Wilson at TEDx Rainier

Blended Learning with Caitlin Tucker

Helpful Tips for Educators

What are some emerging technologies that can be utilized in a blended environment?

Here is a link to an informative podcast on Blended Learning:

Research Studies:

Kuo, Y. C., Belland, B. R., Schroder, K. E. E., & Walker, A. E. (2014). K-12 teachers' perceptions of and their satisfaction with interaction type in blended learning environment. Distance Education, 35(3), 360-381. Retrieved from

Picciano, A. G., & Seaman, J. (2009). K-12 online learning: A 2008 follow-up of the survey of U.S. school district administrators. The Sloan Consortium.

Picciano, A. G., Seaman, J., Shea, P., & Swan, K. (2012). Examining the extent and nature of online learning in American k-12 education: The research initiatives of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. The Internet and Higher Education, 15(2), 127-135. Retrieved from

Bonk, C. J., Olson, T. M., Wisher, R. A., & Orvis, K. L. (2002). Learning from focus groups: An examination of blended learning. Journal of Distance Education, 17(3), 97-118. Retrieved from

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